DR DESMOND has extensive experience in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, ElectroAcupuncture, Ozone Therapies, Tui Na (Chinese osteo body massage), Laser Therapy, Energy Management Therapy, Physical Therapies such as Qigong Exercises, Yoga Exercises, Aromatherapy, Diet Counselling and Intuitive Practices.
QUALIFICATIONS: Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Registered Acupuncturist, Registered Aromatherapist
MEMBER OF: ATCMA British Columbia Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Practitioners; AAOT Fellow Member of the American Academy of Ozone Therapy.
Evolving your health and well being is what I am passionate about. My interests are in the progressive evolution of each unique patient dealing with any variety of health issues.
Through assessment and research each patient receives an individualized treatment program that varies according to their needs, their desires and their motivation towards sustained healing.