Biotherapeutic Drainage: The burden of health problems that plague modern society result from weaknesses in the body’s physiological foundations as a result of poor nutrition, stress overload, environmental toxins and more. We have the potential to naturally eliminate toxins – depending on the body’s toxic load. Biotherapeutic Drainage is a long-lasting and effective way of restoring health to the body as it works at an intracellular and extracellular level, facilitating the emunctories to remove blockages while respecting natural physiology. Opening the emunctories to discharge toxins helps to support physiological functions, encouraging the body towards homeostasis. Dr. Desmond implements a natural cure program and/or a variety of drainage therapies for each individual patient based on the relevance to each individual’s immunity and terrain, without suppression and in a non-invasive manner.
SIBO Syndrome: SIBO (small intestine bacterial overgrowth) refers to a condition in which abnormally large numbers of bacteria result in a chronic bacterial colonization of the small intestine. Normally, many of these bacteria should only be present in the large intestine. When bacteria colonize the small intestine they interfere with normal digestion and absorption of key nutrients. They can also cause the common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) like gas and bloating, urgency, constipation, diarrhea, or both. In addition, the bacteria can cause damage to the mucosal ling and may predispose a person toward systemic problems such as body aches, fatigue and ‘foot sensitivities’. SIBO is a prevalent condition and understanding the syndrome, knowing how to treat it, is key for many patients suffering with gastro-intestinal symptoms. Dr. Desmond implements a natural cure program and/or a variety of drainage therapies for each individual patient based on the relevance to each individual’s immunity and terrain, without suppression and in a non-invasive manner.
Prostate Health: As current and ongoing research continues to explore improvements in prostate health and various methods of detecting disease, men must be encouraged to play an active role in disease prevention by looking to trusted health professionals. As the most common cancer and second leading cause of cancer death among men in North America, it is important for patients to be aware of simple but effective strategies supporting prostate health and disease prevention available to them. Dr. Desmond implements a natural cure program and/or a variety of drainage therapies for each individual patient based on the relevance to each individual’s immunity and terrain, without suppression and in a non-invasive manner.
Systemic Enzyme Therapy (SET): Wobenzyme
Systemic Enzyme Therapy has been successfully applied in clinical practice to a myriad of conditions of over 50 years. The emerging science has helped reveal the pharmacokinetics and mechanism of action of SET and although this stalwart has been a traditional supplement for optimal health in Europe for many years, current science and updated clinical trials continues to support its use today.
Seasonal Defense: Therapy to Boost the Immune System
Physiology has the innate ability to protect itself from disease. A strong immunity is the first line of defense against the seasonal onslaught of colds and flu, and a myriad of other viral and bacterial infections. Supporting physiology is key to building strong immunity, which includes the capacity of our emunctories toward elimination. With the stress of conventional medications, refined foods, additives, alcohol, pesticides and other chemicals in the environment, our ability to adapt and detoxify can become overwhelmed or even chronic.
Are you exposed to?
- Diesel fumes, exhaust fumes or gasoline fumes
- Bleaches, oven and drain cleaners, furniture polish, floor wax, window cleaners
- Nail polish, perfume, hairspray, or other cosmetics
Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms?
- Lethargy, Fatigue, Brain Fog, Headaches, Poor Memory & Concentration
- Digestive problems: Constipation, Indigestion, Bloating, Heartburn
- Food Cravings, Weight Gain, Compulsive Eating
- Environmental and Food Allergies
- Shortness of Breath, Chest Congestion, Chronic Cough, Excessive Mucus Production, Chronic Sinusitis
- Joint & Muscle Pain, Stiffness
- Acne, Acne Rosacea, Eczema, Psoriasis, Unexplained Rashes
- Mood Swings, Anxiety and/or Depression
Dr. Desmond supports his patients with detoxification, which strengthens their immune system, improves vitality and energy levels, aids digestion, support mental clarity and focus, calms or decreases allergic symptoms and much more.